Whole of Shire Development Master Planning and Community Engagement Services – Hinchinbrook Shire Council

Peak to assisted council in the delivery of a Whole of Shire Development Master Plan and Community Engagement project.

Whole of Shire Development Master Planning and Community Engagement Services – Hinchinbrook Shire Council


Hinchinbrook Shire Council contracted Peak to assist in the delivery of a Whole of Shire Development Master Plan and Community Engagement project, providing a vision for the development of a 10-year staged masterplan for a whole-of-community infrastructure and facility integration, supporting improved community and social outcomes.  

It is a significant opportunity for community investment and vitalisation and represents a chance to take the collective knowledge of council and its stakeholders through decades of operation and combine it with opportunities to improve community service, liveability through tourism and facilities in the region.  

The master plans guide the sustainable long-term development of the sites in question, including allocation of Works for Queensland Funding (W4Q) to near term priority works, and provide a framework for new works and future upgrades. Significant investment is required and the plans are concise, clear and logically structured, and most importantly, financially achievable and sustainable.

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