Michael Byrne

Principal Advisor, Probity and Assurance Office

Michael Byrne

About Michael

Michael Byrne is Peak Consulting's Principal Probity Specialist. He is an accomplished Probity and Procurement Executive with over 40 years’ experience in the private and public sectors.

In his roles as Chief Procurement Officer and Manager Contract and Risk Manager at Brisbane City Council, Michael was accountable for procurement governance of all Council’s procurement including construction, infrastructure, and ICT projects.  He also had senior roles at the Queensland Electricity Commission and in the development of Stanwell Power Station, a major construction project. 

Prior to joining Peak Services, Michael was the Probity Advisor for the engagement of program management partner and a panel of suppliers for a six-year major capital works program for a water supply authority.

Core Capability

  • Risk Management, Procurement & Probity
  • Major Projects
  • Contracts Management
  • Risk Assessment
  • Commercial Management
  • Senior Executive experience
  • IT and eCommerce Solutions


  • Bachelor of Commerce and CPA

Key Experience

Michael is deeply experienced, which ensures that we can offer our clients the best results, every time.

Some of Michael’s most recent probity engagements include:

Griffith University

  •  Major Construction EOI & RFT (ongoing)

Ipswich City Council

  •  Supply and Lay of Asphalt (2020)
  •  City Centre Theatre Lease (2021)

Office of Industrial Relations

  •  Provision of Integrated Software and Hardware solution for business applications (2020)


  •  Supply of Chemicals

Lockyer Valley Regional Council

  •  Aquatic Facility RFT (2019)
  •  Waste contracts (2022 ongoing)

Metro Hospitals

  •  NORTH: Manufactured Foods (2020)
  •  SOUTH: Building Management Systems (2022 and ongoing)

Livingstone Shire Council

  • ERP System RFT (2019) and Early Contract Engagement process to Refurbish Emu Park sewage treatment plant (2022 ongoing)

Brisbane City Council

  • Community Leases (2021)
  • Chief Procurement Officer (2007 – 2016)
  • Manager Contracts & Risk (1997 – 2007)
  • Manager Management Audit (1989 – 1997

As BCC Chief Procurement Officer, Michael was responsible for the procurement governance of the entire BCC capital program.  He was chief advisor to the BCC CEO on procurement and over a 15-year period, was directly responsible for overseeing the governance and procurement process integrity of all major BCC projects, including the Kingsford Smith Drive, Legacy Way, ICB and Clem 7 projects. Prior to Manager Contracts and Risk, Michael was Chief Internal Auditor.

Electricity Industry

  • Chief Internal Consultant
  • Commercial Manager Stanwell Power Station Project
  • Corporate Planner