Top trends in workplace training 2023-2024

From Cyber Security to Wellness Programs, there are many changes to regulations that are creating demand for compliance training.

Top trends in workplace training 2023-2024


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Written by Patricia Paolini, Business Development Manager, Peak Training

Keeping our workplaces compliant and safe can sometimes feel like ‘crawling through a minefield’ with so many changes in regulations and standards that councils must comply with.

This year alone we saw the introduction of the Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice 2022 which is a practical guide on how to prevent harm from psychosocial hazards at work, including psychological and physical harm, We also saw a huge surge in Cyber Security training due to the hundreds of organisations and some councils effected by scams.

We pride ourselves on being ‘at the cutting edge’ and ‘in front of’ the needs that arise for councils, and we have well established programs ready to meet the new demands.

What can we expect in key workplace training topics this year? 

During 2023 and continuing into 2024 and beyond, we expect to see some of this year’s hot topics continue to be particularly important for councils and organisations Australia-wide.

Here are the top 5

1. Cyber Security

Queensland Councils have been very proactive in assessing their cyber security risks and reducing their risk of data breaches and other damaging cyber-attacks. Hundreds of council officers state-wide have undertaken Cyber Security Fundamentals training with a continued offering of these programs and others available through our training courses and our next level Cyber course tests your staff’s CYBER IQ.

2. Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases are learned assumptions, beliefs, or attitudes that we aren’t necessarily aware of.  While bias is a normal part of human brain function, it can often reinforce stereotypes.

To combat unconscious bias, our training program teaches you about different types of biases, how they might surface at work, and how to avoid them so you can build a more inclusive and diverse workplace.

3. Wellness Programs

Top trends in training

With the formalisation of the Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice 2022, Queensland Councils have pre-empted and prepared their workforces for the new regulation scheduled to be released in April 2024. Peak Training was also prepared with suitable qualified trainers and courses to suit, creating short webinars and short in-house training opportunities to assist in providing officers with the opportunities offered to them by their employers. From our selection of topics, the most popular courses have been:

  • Dropping Anchor  “Manage the emotional response to stress, worry and anxiety in the workplace”;
  • Respond with Resilience - “Provides essential skills in dealing with difficult thoughts and feelings to live a more meaningful and values-centred life”, and
  •  Everyday Resilience - “Manage the unhelpful thoughts which create lifelong barrier”, with “resilience” being the key word. We each need to do more with less and hence building resilience will continue to be a hot topic for councils.

4. Privacy and Data Protection:  (elearning available)

With the increasing use of technology in the workplace, organisations must take steps to protect their employees' personal and sensitive information. The Privacy Act 1988 sets out the legal requirements for protecting personal information in Australia, and businesses must comply with these regulations. In 2023, we expect to see a continued emphasis on privacy and data protection training, with an emphasis on topics such as data breaches, information security, and employee privacy rights.

5. Anti-discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity: (elearning available)

Discrimination in the workplace can have serious legal and reputational consequences for businesses. Australian workplaces are required to comply with various anti-discrimination laws and provide equal employment opportunities to all employees. It's in everyone's interest to promote and maintain an inclusive culture. During 2023 and into 2024, we expect to see a continued focus on anti-discrimination and equal employment opportunity training, with an emphasis on topics such as unconscious bias, bullying and harassment, sexual harassment and workplace diversity.

Peak Services is fully owned by the LGAQ. All profits are returned to the LGAQ which in turn creates new and improved opportunities for the Local Government sector. 

In working together with you, we can help councils mitigate legal and reputational risks and create a safe and inclusive workplace culture through targeted workplace training activities.

For more information about our training delivery options, please don’t hesitate to contact the Peak Training team on 07 3000 2148 or at

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